A 9-year-old girl killed in Hadida


Houthi militia killed a 9-year-old girl in Hadida. This new crime is added to blood and terrorist militias. Huthi militias were fired by snipers on residential neighborhoods in Hay. Local sources said in Houthiya militias targeted houses of citizens in the village of Dar Naji weapons snipers, killing the girl Ghazlan with a bullet from the back and came out of the chest, when the girl was standing in front of her home The sources added that the parents rushed to the target house in an attempt to save the life of the child with a ambulance to a hospital Hayas and then turned to Al-Khajah Hospital, but she died of life as a result of the penalty. The sources described this widespread crime, which has to condemn the crimes of Houthi militia against civilians from women, children and the elderly. It is worth mentioning that the sister of the girl Ghazlan had been killed more than two months ago by the fire of Houthi militia targeting residential neighborhoods in the village