Al-Khobaji discusses with French ambassador implementing the Riyadh Agreement and the political process

The member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, head of the council's negotiating delegation to implement the Riyadh Agreement, Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji, met with the Ambassador of the Republic of France, Mr. Jean-Marie Safa.
During the meeting, the two sides discussed efforts to complete the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, and the preparations for the comprehensive political process.
Dr. Al-Khobaji reviewed the efforts of the Southern Transitional Council to confront security and military risks and challenges in the field of confronting the Houthi militias, and combating terrorism and extremism, and protecting national gains and foreign interests.
Al-Khobaji stressed the need for full and effective implementation of all provisions of the Riyadh Agreement without selectivity, and the importance of the international community in playing an effective role to stop the mischievous forces aiming to divert the direction of the conflict, by targeting the south and its people with crises of systematic collective punishment, and to start preparing for the comprehensive political process, taking into account the true representation of political forces, and actors on the ground, and the national issues, foremost of which is the issue of the people of the South.
Al-Khobaji stressed that the threat of terrorist organizations has become increasingly growing in the governorates of Shabwa and Abyan, coming from Marib and Al-Bayda since late 2019, noting that the successes, that were achieved in this field at the hands of the Shabwani elite and the security belt in Abyan before August 2019, are now in constant decline, in which this requires accelerating steps to repositioning and spreading the Elite Forces and the security force to combat terrorism and secure roads, economic interests, and vital facilities in the governorates of Shabwa and Abyan.
For his part, the French ambassador stressed the need to accelerate the completion of the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement and to initiate a comprehensive political process that accommodates all issues and forces on the scene, and that France is supportive of the relevant efforts of the UN envoy.
The meeting was attended by the member and rapporteur of the Negotiations Affairs Unit and the Transitional Council Delegation to implement the Riyadh Agreement, Mr. Anis Al-Sharafi, and Mr. Cyril Kressner, the military attaché at the French Embassy.