President Al-Zubaidi supervises handover ceremonies of support brigades and security belt commands

Under the direct supervision of the President of the Southern Transitional Council, Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the handover and receipt ceremonies took place today, Saturday evening, in the capital, Aden, between the former Command of the Backup and Support Brigades, and the new command of the Brigades, in addition to the handover and receipt ceremonies between the former command of the Security Belt forces, and the new command of these forces.
The ceremony, which was attended by a number of southern military and security commanders, prevailed in a spirit of solidarity, and a sense of responsibility entrusted to everyone.
President Al-Zubaidi praised the tremendous efforts made by the previous commands, stressing the need to make more efforts to preserve the security and stability of the capital, Aden, in particular, and the governorates of the South in general.
President Al-Zubaidi stressed the necessity of uniting southern military and security efforts in defending the homeland of the south and its gains from any brutal attacks, as well as working in a team spirit to establish security and stability throughout the capital, Aden, and other governorates of the South.