The Transitional Council in Abyan Governorate Organizes Artistic Ceremony on the 56th Anniversary of National Independence Day


Today, Sunday, the local leadership of the Transitional Council in Abyan Governorate organized an artistic ceremony in the university building in the city of Zanzibar, the capital of the governorate, on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of Independence Day, November 30, in the presence of the Chairman of the Executive Body, Mr. Hassan Munser Ghaithan Al-Kazmi, a member of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, Mr. Ahmed Al-Rubaizi, and a Transitional Executive Vice Chairman, Governor Mr. Ali Sheikh Al-Suri.


At the ceremony, which took place in the Great Hall at Abyan University, in the presence of a number of members of the National Assembly, the Executive Body, the deans of colleges, heads of departments, students of Abyan University, and a number of military and security leaders and general directors of the executive offices of the local authority, the head of the Transitional Coordination at Abyan University, Dr. Yaslam Al-Layl, delivered a welcoming speech.

Here, the doctor greets all the masses of the people of the south and the people of the governorate on this occasion and the political leadership for the successes achieved in international forums at the local and diplomatic levels, stressing the support of the people of the governorate for President Commander Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi for all his movements within the framework of victory for the cause of the people of the south to gain their independence and restore their state.


For his part, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Maysari, President of Abyan University, recalled the heroic epics of the revolutionaries who created the glories of November and their legendary steadfastness during the armed struggle revolution that emerged at the dawn of the fourteenth of October.

Dr. Al-Maysari noted the need to rationalize the media discourse away from fueling conflicts that do not serve the people of the South, their cause and their social fabric, calling on the leadership of the Transitional Council in the governorate to stand alongside the university presidency in building the scientific edifice as it is one of the achievements that provides the governorate with qualified cadres and contributes to building and developing society.


The ceremony witnessed singing performances by an elite group of artistic giants in the governorate, during which they presented the most wonderful revolutionary songs that gave enthusiasm to the southern revolutionaries, and the synergy of the victories achieved by the heroes in the south over the British colonialists, which resonated with the audience present and gained their satisfaction.