The Arab Network for Social Responsibility Awards CAC Bank

Sadaa Al-Hakika : Exclusive

The Arab Network for Social Responsibility “Arabia CSR” awarded the Cooperative and Agricultural Credit Bank “CAC Bank” first place in the Arab Award for Social Responsibility and Sustainability in its seventeenth session, which was held yesterday, Thursday, in the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, and was received by the CEO, Mr. Hashid Al-Hamdani. 

 The Cooperative and Agricultural Credit Bank (CAC Bank) won this award for the second time, after winning second place previously, and after intense competition with a large number of major institutions, companies and regional banks in the Arab world, and after achieving all the various criteria, obligations and conditions to win the award and relying on its contributions.  Many in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development in Yemen, which made it achieve first place, with full merit, in the evaluation process conducted by experts at the regional and global levels. 
 Al-Hamdani expressed his overwhelming happiness on behalf of himself and the bank’s staff on the occasion of CAC Bank being crowned first place, and said: “We are very happy with this honor, which represents a testimony to the fact that CAC Bank is one of the financial institutions that demonstrates an honorable national commitment to social responsibility and sustainability in the Arab region.” 

 He stressed that CAC Bank is determined to continue applying the latest international standards in all areas of work, and seeks with every interest to raise awareness and spread the culture of social responsibility and sustainability, in addition to its keenness to enhance social responsibility as an essential element of a successful business model in the Arab region.

 Arabia CSR is an Arab platform that was established in the Emirates in 2008 to support Arab development efforts. Its awards aim to recognize the development efforts of institutions in the Arab region and honor their leaders who demonstrate exceptional leadership and commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.

 It is noteworthy that, since its inception, the Arabia CSR Awards have gained regional importance and attention, earning them the trust and recognition of global and regional bodies such as the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the League of Arab States. The criteria for the awards in Arabia CSR were derived from global and regional frameworks and specifications, such as the ten principles of the Charter.  The UN Global Standards, the GRI standards, the European Business Excellence Model EFQM, the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, and more recently the Global Investors Alliance for Sustainable Development.