When he attended a workshop on the reality and outcomes of the southern media

Al-Jaadi stresses the need to strengthen the southern media because of its just cause

 Today, Thursday, the Media Department of the General Secretariat of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council organized a workshop on “Southern Media Discourse - Reality and Future”, in which a number of journalists, media professionals, academics, researchers and activists participated.
 At the opening of the workshop, Mr. Fadl Muhammad Al-Jaadi, Assistant Secretary-General of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council spoke, expressing his happiness to attend the workshop and his participation with a group of media professionals, journalists, professors and specialized researchers.
 Al-Jaadi stressed the need to strengthen the southern media, especially because it has a just cause in the face of a huge and generously funded media machine to spread discord in the south and spread misinformation.
 Al-Jaadi recalled the march of the southern media 30 years ago, the professionalism, ability and space it possessed, and even how the south was among the first countries to own television and radio.
 The Assistant Secretary-General stressed the need to come up with a clear vision for the southern media in the workshop, which helps in advancement, development and competition.
 The workshop discussed a number of topics on media professionalism, the vision and dimensions of the media political discourse, the reality and challenges of the media discourse, its future, the reality and ambition of the southern national media, the path of the southern media discourse, and the role of the media in highlighting the importance of the Riyadh Agreement.
 The participants were distributed into groups, each of which is interested in studying one of the workshop themes, setting its vision and proposals, and coming up with recommendations that would enhance the role of the southern media discourse.