President Al-Zubaidi inspects progress in the Military Operations Authority of Southern Armed Forces

The President of the Transitional Council, Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, on Wednesday morning, paid an inspection visit to the headquarters of the Military Operations Authority of the Southern Armed Forces.
Upon his arrival at the authority's headquarters, President Al-Zubaidi was received by Major General Saleh Ali Hassan, head of the Military Operations Authority, and the authority's officers.
In the visit, President Al-Zubaidi listened from Major General Saleh Ali Hassan to a detailed explanation of the authority's performance and workflow, and the level of readiness and effectiveness of command and control, as well as the future plans for developing the institutional work in the authority and raising the efficiency of units and personnel of the Southern Armed Forces.
President Al-Zubaidi praised the qualitative development he witnessed in the various operational disciplines in the authority, foremost of which is the command, control, and the strategic planning, and the level of organization and modernization of the authority’s work mechanisms, praising the efforts made by the authority’s leadership to raise the efficiency of specialized and professional performance among its members.