CAC Bank Signs Partnership Agreement with Aden University to Collect Various University Fees

Sadaa Al-Hakika : Exclusive

Mr. Shakib Aliwa, Executive Vice Head of the Cooperative and Agricultural Credit Bank (CAC Bank), signed a partnership agreement with the Head of the University of Aden, Dr. Al-Khader Lasour, stipulating that the bank will collect various tuition fees for students of the colleges of the University of Aden for parallel and continuing education, fees for special expenses, higher education, and academic coordination, in the presence of Professor Ali.  Muhammad Al-Qahif, Head of the Arab Youth Union for Creativity and Innovation and media advisor to the Chairman of CAC Bank, Majid Al-Daari.

  During his signing of the agreement, Aliwa stressed the importance of joint cooperation with the university as it is an enhancement of the existing partnership with the academic facade of the capital, Aden, and the educational edifice that has produced generations of various scientific talents. Considering university students as the basic nucleus for achieving the sustainable development goals of any country.

 The Executive Vice Head pointed out that CAC Bank has a technical structure that qualifies it to provide all modern banking services within the framework of financial inclusion aimed at serving everyone within the bank’s banking strategy seeking to expand its services to various segments of society.

 Aliwa explained that this agreement will be followed by similar partnership agreements in the coming days with the universities of Hadhramaut, Taiz, Abyan, Lahj, and others, in accordance with the bank’s strategy to serve university education in various parts of the country.

 For his part, the Head of the University of Aden, Dr. Al-Khader Lasour, praised the university’s joint cooperation agreement with CAC Bank and the previous cooperation agreements for disbursing salaries. Emphasizing the importance of developing joint cooperation between the university and the government CAC Bank, enhancing the level of partnership and expanding the scope of banking services provided by the bank to students, professors and employees of the University of Aden, considering CAC Bank a pioneer in its banking services and modern technologies and most worthy of this mission and others.

 It is noteworthy that the Executive Vice Head, Professor Shakib Aliwa, had previously signed with the Head of the University of Aden, Dr. Al-Khader Lasour, an agreement to disburse the salaries of university employees through CAC Bank last year.