Ahwar Transitional Council in Abyan Discusses Security Situation in the Directorate

Sadaa Al-Hakika : Exclusive

The Executive Board of the Local Leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in the Ahwar Directorate of Abyan Governorate held its regular meeting for January on Tuesday, chaired by the Deputy Head of the Board, Saleh Ahmed Nasser.

The meeting discussed the security situation in Ahwar amidst the challenges and security breakdowns in the Directorate, emphasizing the need to enhance security and stability, intensify security efforts to control the situation, strengthen cooperation between various security agencies, and coordinate efforts to ensure the stability of security in the Directorate.

During the meeting, the previous minutes were reviewed and approved, in addition to discussing the major achievements made by the local leadership during the past period and the challenges they faced, with an emphasis on the importance of continuing efforts and diligent work to achieve the desired goals.

The Executive Board stressed the importance of activating organizational work, enhancing coordination between the various concerned parties to ensure the achievement of common goals, contributing to the improvement of organizational performance, and fostering a spirit of teamwork within the local leadership.