Head of Transitional Council delegation in Riyadh receives the Ambassador of the Republic of China

The negotiating delegation of the Southern Transitional Council in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, headed by Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji, member of the Presidency of the Council, head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit and the delegation that is negotiating the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, received today, Wednesday, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Yemen, Mr. Kang Yong.
During the meeting, Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji reviewed the efforts of the Southern Transitional Council to implement the Riyadh Agreement, stressing the Council's adherence to implement all provisions of the agreement without selectivity, in a manner that prepares the appropriate ground for the comprehensive political process, and achieves security and stability in the South, Yemen, and in the region.
Al-Khobaji touched on the pivotal role and great efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to implement the agreement and to establish peace and stability, praising the distinguished efforts led by the Kingdom, and the successive initiatives to overcome any obstacles facing the comprehensive political process, and the efforts to establish peace and end the successive conflict crises that the South and Yemen are experienced to for three decades ago.
Al-Khobaji referred to the absurd forces that are exerting their efforts to thwart implementing the agreement and push the South into conflicts and crises, and using the policy of systematic collective punishment that is also used against the people of the South with the aim of dissuading them from their legitimate demands and aspirations to restore and build their independent southern state.
Al-Khobaji also praised all international efforts under way today through the United Nations institutions to stop the war and enter into a comprehensive political process, including the Chinese role through its permanent membership in the UN Security Council, noting that the issue of the South represents the core of the current conflict and that all existing wars and conflicts are nothing but interactions resulted from the main cause which is the occupation of the South and the imbalance of power since the 1994 summer war.
Al-Khobaji also stressed that any peace process will remain insufficient unless it starts from the basis of the conflict, and puts the central issues, foremost of which is the issue of the people of the South, at the forefront of its attention, and deals with the active forces that have an actual presence on the ground, and which the people accept and support to represent them and achieve their aspirations.
For his part, the Chinese ambassador affirmed his country's support for the current peace efforts led by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, in addition to their full support for the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to complete the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, expressing his country's appreciation for the positive response and constructive interaction by the Southern Transitional Council to implement the agreement and the ceasefire, and bring peace and stability to the region.
The meeting was attended by the member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Deputy Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, Ali Al-Kathiri, and members of the Council delegation in Riyadh, Yahya Ghaleb and Nasser Huwaider, and member and rapporteur of the Negotiations Affairs Unit and the negotiating delegation Anis Al-Sharafi, in addition to the representative of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs Adel Al-Shabhi, and the member of the delegation Fathi Al-Muflihi.