The Community Authority is Examining The Latest Developments on The Southern Scene

Sadaa Al-Hakika : Samah Emdad

The Community Assistance Authority for the Presidential Leadership of the Southern Transitional Council held its periodic meeting for the second half of June today, Sunday, in the capital Aden, under the chairmanship of Air Force Colonel Nasser Al-Saadi, the Chairman of the Authority.

The meeting discussed the latest developments on the southern scene and the position of the Transitional Council, as well as reviewing performance reports of the General Secretariat departments within the Authority over the past two weeks.

The meeting praised the efforts made by the department sections in carrying out the tasks according to the regulations, commending the efforts of the "Southern Unionist" newspaper and website in covering the activities of trade unions and labor unions, as well as events and developments on the southern scene.

The Authority also addressed many issues of concern to the citizens, and urged the entities represented in the Authority to pay attention to community issues and make efforts to address what can be addressed, and what can be raised to the Council leadership to find appropriate solutions.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Authority emphasized the need to enhance community work and provide services to citizens, in a way that contributes to achieving development and stability in the South.